Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mancala board moves

These are images of mancala boards I created for Alex de Voogt in order to show how moves are made on a mancala or Bao board game. I also did a study of the board and of cowrie shells which are often used as playing pieces.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Clark Wissler image used

I was contacted out of the blue from the kind people over at Silicon Web Costumers' Guide for use of my illustration of Clark Wissler. It's a website that has articles about how to design authentic period clothing and events that they can be worn. This article was about a specific tribal piece of clothing of the Blackfoot clan, which Clark Wissler studied. It is so nice to have someone interested in my work and I was happy to have it published with them.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cover lettering for Bark!

Once again the kind folks over at The Bark! Magazine hired me for some hand lettering. This time it appears on the cover, which is great. Should be out on the magazine stands soon.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Best in Show 2012

You will choose me. I will win.

I like chocolate!


Malachy Mountaintop

Cupful o'Pekingese

These are watercolors I made in honor of Malachy, the winner of Best in Show for the 2012 Westminster Dog Show.